Ketty Ghnassia

Upcoming Dates for Arpentage:

04/12/24: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik Zürich (Network of Young Journalists)

10/12/24: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik Zürich (Forum for Critical Social Work)

14/12/24: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik Zürich (Fashion Revolution Movement)

MAY 2025: Wildwuchs Festival

Ketty Ghnassia
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+41 78 617 74 38
Elisabethenstrasse 43,
CH-8004 Zurich

is a performance artist and dramaturge, moving between the worlds of theater and dance. For five years she supervised “Disabled Theater” by Jérôme Bel. At the same time, Ghnassia discovered, observed, and deconstructed conceptual art, in which she did not grow up, but in which she feels at home. Since 2020, Ghnassia has been staging activist and process-based art works as pre-enactements, creating a realm of possibility for political events to come. In her work, the architecture of the medium of theater is faded out. Through reduced staging, the spectator is enabled to have an immediate, nearly everyday experience, set in a theatrical frame. Her artistic language is situated at the fragile balance between precise writing and total improvisation. Artistic and philosophical thinking permeates her directing work: a constant back and forth between getting involved and distancing oneself. DE: einfache Sprache – anhören

is a performance artist moving between the worlds of theater and dance. Since 2020, Ghnassia has been staging process-based and activist art works as pre-enactements, creating a realm of possibility for political events to come. Through her reduced staging, the spectator is enabled to have an immediate, nearly everyday experience, set in a theatrical frame.

Arpentage – ein Projekt zur Vermessung
politischer Literatur
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 1 — check out, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 2 — krilp in the front of Chorgasse/Neumarkt, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 2 — krilp in the Chorgasse/Neumarkt, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 2 — krilp in Theater Neumarkt, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 3 — The method, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 3 — The method 2, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 4 — Theater as assembly, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Rehearsal day 5 — Theatre as assembly 2, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Show, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Show, agenda item, March 2023
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Arpentage 2 - the book
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Arpentage 2 - show

The Arpentage is a method for reading political literature together and for the self-empowerment of emancipatory movements. People met in small groups to study literature and discuss possibilities for action.

The Arpentage project translates this principle into today’s world and into the context of theater and performance. People who are politically engaged in their work are invited to each Arpentage. The journey begins with the Critical Teachers Collective (18/12/23), followed by an arpentage with members of the theater collective cie La Mêlée (15/12/23). Next, we work with members of the Network of Young Journalists on (04/12/24), then join forces with Critical Social Workers (10/12/24), before concluding with activists from the Fashion Revolution Movement (14/12/24).

18/3/2023: Theater Neumarkt Zurich (Critical Teachers Collective krilp)
15/12/23: Theater Neumarkt Zürich (arpentage about the essay by Judith Coffey und Vivien Laumann, „Gojnormativität. Warum wir anders über Antisemitismus sprechen müssen.“) 
04/12/24: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik Zürich (Network of Young Journalists)
10/12/24: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik Zürich (Forum for Critical Social Work)
14/12/24: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik Zürich (Fashion Revolution Movement)
upcoming dates:
May 2025: Wildwuchs Festival
Supported by Stadt Zürich Kultur, Migros Kulturprozent, Cassinelli-Vogel-Stiftung, Ernst Göhner Stiftung, Stiftung Corymbo
a production of cie la mêlée in coproduction with Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik and in collaboration with Theater Neumarkt

18/3/23: Theater Neumarkt, by and with members of Critical Teachers Collective krilp concept and artistic direction: Ketty Ghnassia and Timo Krstin, by and with: Noah Engweiler, Nuria Honauer, Milena Schütz, Florence Vögeli (Members of the Critical Teachers Collective - krilp), Ketty Ghnassia, Timo Krstin, Lukas Kubik and Maude Villeumier, Scenography and Costume: Maude Villeumier, Production management: Lukas Kubik

15/12/23: Theater Neumarkt, about the essay by Judith Coffey und Vivien Laumann, „Gojnormativität. Warum wir anders über Antisemitismus sprechen müssen.“  concept and artisitc direction: Ketty Ghnassia and Timo Krstin, by and with: Noah Engweiler (Members of Critical Teachers Collective  krilp), Ketty Ghnassia, Timo Krstin, Lukas Kubik and Maude Villeumier, Scenography and Costume: Maude Villeumier, Production management: Lukas Kubik

From December 2nd till 14th 2024: Konzeptbüro, Rote Fabrik, by and with members of Network of Young Journalists Switzerland - JJS, of Forum for Critical Social Work - KRISO and of the Movement Fashion Revolution concept: Ketty Ghnassia and Timo Krstin, artistic direction: Ketty Ghnassia, artistical collaboration: Noah Engweiler, by and with: Sarina Höppner, Simon Schaffer (Members of Network of Young Journalists Switzerland), Rebecca Härtner, Emanuel Röhtlisberger (Members of Forum for Critical Work KRISO), Kishana Kinashi, Corinna Mattner, Jamil Mokhtar (Members of  Fashion Revolution Movement), Noah Engweiler (Members of Critical Teachers Collective krilp) and Lukas Kubik, Scenography and Costume: Sabina Winkler, Production management: Lukas Kubik, special thanks to Lea Whitcher, Sabina Winkler, Kathrin Walde, and the #carecity _stories* project for lending us their scenography
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Documentation of the performances in the Gessnerallee Zurich
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
left: flyer artists,
right: flyer artists
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
left: flyer artists,
right: flyer artists
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
left: flyer artists,
right: flyer artists
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
left: flyer artists,
right: flyer employees
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
left: flyer employees,
right: flyer employees
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
flyer employees

In the context of the independent theater scene, the performance “elle a élevé la voix au-dessus de la mêlée” questions the political promise of inclusion and diversity as concepts that create reality. It uses the approach of the deconstruction of power relations in order to take apart these premises. Inclusion and diversity need stable identities and without demarcation and fierce power relations there is no stabilization of identities.

The process-based performance “Elle a élevé la voix au-dessus de la mêlée”:

  • is an immersive art format for a hybrid scene.
  • uses the rehearsal and performance apparatus of the theater without a classical directorial function, but with co-authorship of all participants: from theater technician to house dramaturge and cleaners to artistic direction, to artists of the independent scene: from acting to media art, spoken word, dance, and dramaturgy.
  • makes use of the rehearsal and performance setting of theater without a script.
  • uses the rehearsal and performance system of the theater with actors who are only partially involved in the acting profession.
  • uses the theater’s rehearsal and performance system in a tight time frame.

This results in five evenings in which the focus is on the emotional — physical — dimension of power and its effects. The performers, all active in the independent theater scene but in various power relationships with one another, are encouraged to act at eye level. In these five evenings, the audience experiences multiple narratives set next to each other in a non-hierarchical manner, which have been developed during a two-week rehearsal process. Regardless of how constructive or destructive, these narratives are for a hybrid independent scene.

Premiere: November 6, 2020, Further performances: November 8/10/11/15, 2020 Gessnerallee
concept and artistic direction: Ketty Ghnassia by and with: employees of a theater (from theater technic to house dramatic adviser and cleaning worker to artistic direction) and artists with diverse social constructed bodies and languages (not language based, cross species language, academic language, creative writing language, cooing language, everyday language, plain language) picture & graphics: ROLI Deluxe Production: cie la mêlée, in coproduction with Gessnerallee Zurich Supported by City of Zurich Culture, Elisabeth Weber Stiftung
Jetzt Gehe Mit Euch Lieber Schnorcheln
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
deep listening dive, January 2022, Zurich
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
collecting underwater sounds, January 2022, Zurich
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
processing, January 2022, Zurich
Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
green washing Sihl river, February 2022, Zurich

“Elle a élevé la voix au-dessus de la mêlée” questioned the validity of the concept of inclusion and proposed to work instead with Donna Haraway’s kinship concept between humans and non-humans. The pigeons present in the dispositive of “elle a élevé la voix au-dessus de la mêlée” — as the only non-human living beings — remained however as the “authentic stage design” of human affairs.

The three-weeks research “Now I’d rather go snorkeling with you” deepens this idea of kinship and examines our relationship with aliveness within and outside of us humans. What options do we have to touch and be touched by other beings?

To explore this question, we descend into the cold Lake Zurich with snorkels, goggles, wetsuits, headlamps, hydrophones, and underwater jukeboxes to linger. We combine our snorkeling experience with the method of Deep Listening by Pauline Oliveros, reflect on it and thus bring it into a narrative form.

Jan./Feb.2022 Gessnerallee Zürich
Research initiated by Ketty Ghnassia Together with: Karin Arnold, Magda Drozd, Nadia Fistarol, Aga Pedziwiatr and Juliette Uzor. Supported by City of Zurich Culture and Elisabeth Weber Stiftung

“Conspiracy Means to Breathe Together” will be a site-specific sound performance in an indoor swimming pool. This project arises from the need to establish the earth’s atmosphere as a political space. We are all connected to this political space through our individual breathing. Etymologically, conspiracy means “con spirare”, to breathe together. “Conspiracy Means To Breathe Together” connects thus a political meeting in the sense of a clandestine arrangement for the creation of a social rearrangement with something as banal and at the same time as fundamental as breathing.

Ketty Ghnassia, Zurich Switzerland
Ketty Ghnassia is a performance artist living in Zurich. She studied social sciences in Toulouse and Paris. She then worked for fifteen years as a producing manager for renowned international festivals and theater companies in France and Switzerland. After a five-year collaboration with conceptual choreographer Jérôme Bel and Theater HORA (2011–2016), Ghnassia studied Cultural and Media Studies at the Zurich University of the Arts (2016). Since 2020, she has developed a process-based practice based on activism. In doing so, she doesn’t know whether this realm of possibility will transform in a political moment or not. Her first work “elle a élevé la voix au-dessus de la mêlée – und dann?” (Premiere 2020, Gessnerallee) is a pre-enactement of a hybrid independent scene. She is currently developing a process-based theater project “Arpentage” together with the author, journalist, and director Timo Krstin, which will last three and a half years. The project will take place at different theaters and began in March 2023 at Theater Neumarkt. “Arpentage” is a process-based art format that pre-enacts an assembly of activist workers in different working contexts. She is also conceiving a site -specific sound performance titled “Conspiracy Means To Breathe Together” to be performed in 2024. This project arises from the need to establish the Earth’s atmosphere as a political space. Employing her minimalist approach, Ghnassia has worked on various dance, theater, and musical theater pieces in changing constellations since 2016. Collaborations have emerged with artists including Corsin Gaudenz, Cosima Grand, and Theater HORA. In 2021, Ghnassia has received the “Cultural Award 2021” from the City of Zurich Dance for her theoretical and inclusive work. DE: einfache Sprache – anhören
Content: Ketty Ghnassia
Design, typeface and code: Supersoft
This website and its content is copyright of Ketty Ghnassia, 8004 Zurich Switzerland. Any redistribution or reproduction of part or all of the contents in any form is prohibited. You may not, except with our express written permission, distribute or commercially exploit the content. Nor may you transmit it or store it in any other website or other form of electronic retrieval system without the prior written permission of Ketty Ghnassia.
© 2025